Audit Commission
The Audit Commission of IDGC of the South, PJSC is a permanently elected body of internal control. The commission protects the interests of the shareholders and is responsible for the accuracy and objectivity of the results of the inspections conducted.
The Audit Commission is guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter, the Regulations on the Audit CommissionApproved by the decision of the annual General Meeting of Shareholders on June 13, 2017 (Protocol No. 17), posted on the Company’s website., as well as decisions of the General Meeting of Shareholders.
The number of the Audit Commission members is determined by the Charter of the Company and is five people.
In 2018, the Company had two memberships of the Audit Commission, nine meetings of the Audit Commission were held.
Full name | Position |
Zadorozhnaya Angelika Aleksandrovna | Head of the Control and Analytical Department of the Department for Controlling and Auditing Activities of Rosseti PJSC |
Kirillov Artem Nikolaevich | Deputy Head of the Auditing Activities Department of the Department for Controlling and Auditing Activities of Rosseti PJSC |
Kabizskina Elena Aleksandrovna | Deputy Head of the Auditing Activities Department of the Department for Controlling and Auditing Activities of Rosseti PJSC |
Medvedeva Oksana Alekseevna | Chief expert of the Auditing Activities Department of the Department for Controlling Activities of Rosseti PJSC |
Slesareva Elena Yuryevna | Chief Expert of the Internal Audit Directorate of Rosseti PJSC |
During the current year, the Audit Commission conducted a scheduled audit of the financial and economic activities of IDGC of the South, PJSC for 2017, issued a positive opinionProtocol of the Audit Commission meeting dated April 25, 2018 No. 4. on assessing the reliability of the data contained in the Annual Report and the Company’s accounts (financial statements) for 2017, and also approved the Audit Report Commission on the results of the Company’s financial and economic activity auditProtocol of the Audit Commission meeting datedJune 8, 2018 No. 5..
In order to eliminate the deficiencies noted by the Audit Commission, the Company issued order No. 276 dated June 27, 2018 “On the implementation of the Corrective Action Plan to remedy the deficiencies following the results of the financial and economic activity audit of IDGC of the South” PJSC for 2017 ”.
The current membership of the Audit CommissionThe positions of the Company’s Audit Commission members are indicated at the time of their election. for the 2018/2019 corporate year (elected by the annual General Meeting of Shareholders on June 9, 2018, Protocol No. 18)
Lelekova Marina Alekseevna
Birth year | 1961 |
Education | Higher education. Far Eastern Institute of Soviet Trade, specialty “economy”, qualification: economist |
Date of the first election to the Company’s Audit Commission | 09.06.2018 |
Positions occupied in the last five years: 2015–31.12.2018 – Rosseti PJSC, Director of the Department for Controlling and Auditing Activities; 2013–2015 – Rosseti JSC, Director of the Department for Internal Audit and Control |
Kirillov Artem Nikolaevich
Birth year | 1984 |
Education | Higher education. Moscow Power Engineering Institute, specialty “engineer” |
Date of the first election to the Company’s Audit Commission | 25.06.2014 |
Positions occupied in the last five years: 2015–31.12.2018 – Rosseti PJSC, Deputy Head of the Auditing Activities Department of the Department for Controlling and Auditing Activities; 2013–2015 – Rosseti PJSC, Head of Investment Audit Department; 2012–2013 – FSK YeES JSC, chief expert of the Control and Audit Department; 2009–2012 – FSK YeES JSC, chief specialist of the Control and Audit Department |
Kabizskina Elena Aleksandrovna
Birth year | 1964 |
Education | Higher education. Far Eastern Technical Institute of Fishery and Fish Industry, Vladivostok, specialty “engineer-economist” |
Date of the first election to the Company’s Audit Commission | 06.06.2016 |
Positions occupied in the last five years: 2015–31.12.2018 – Rosseti PJSC, Deputy Head of the Auditing Activities Department of the Department for Controlling and Auditing Activities; 2014–2015 – Rosseti JSC, Deputy Head of the Auditing Activities and Internal Audit Department of the Internal Audit and Control Department; 2013–2014 – JSC “MOESK”, Head of the Methodological Department of the Internal Audit Department; 2005–2013 – FSK YeES JSC, Deputy Head of the Control and Audit Department |
Kim Svetlana Anatolyevna
Birth year | 1981 |
Education | Higher education. Moscow State University of Railway Communications, specialty “Commerce”, qualification: commerce specialist |
Date of the first election to the Company’s Audit Commission | 09.06.2018 |
Positions occupied in the last five years: 2015–31.12.2018 – Rosseti PJSC, Head of the Auditing Activities Department of the Department for Controlling and Auditing Activities; 2013–2015 – Rosseti PJSC, Head of the Auditing Activities and Internal Audit Department of the Internal Audit and Control Department |
Yerandina Elena Stanislavovna
Birth year | 1972 |
Education | Higher education. Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering, speciality “Economics and Management in the branches of the agro-industrial complex”, qualification: engineer-economist. State University of Management, specialty “Finance and Credit”, qualification: economist |
Date of the first election to the Company’s Audit Commission | 09.06.2018 |
Positions occupied in the last five years: 2016–31.12.2018 – Rosseti PJSC, chief expert of the Expert Department of the Department for Controlling and Auditing Activities; 2013–2015 – "Electrosetservice FGC“JSC “Electrosetservice FGC” JSC |
There were no transactions between the Company and the persons who performed the members duties of the Audit Commission of IDGC of the South, PJSC in 2018 in the current year.
None of the persons who were members of the Audit Commission in 2018 owned shares of the Company in the current year.
None of the members of the Audit Commission of the Company had kinship with persons belonging to the governing bodies and (or) control over the financial and economic activities of IDGC of the South PJSC, was not brought to administrative responsibility for offenses in the field of finance, taxes and fees, securities market or criminal liability for crimes in the economy or for crimes against state power, did not occupy positions in the management bodies of commercial organizations during the period when a bankruptcy case was initiated and / or one of the bankruptcy procedures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on insolvency was instituted, was not trained in the current year at the expense of the Company and did not have a conflict of interest with the Company’s executive bodies in the reporting year.
In 2018, the Audit Commission of the second composition held 3 meetings at which issuesInformation on all decisions made can be found on the Company’s website. regarding the election of the Chairman and the Commission Secretary of the Audit Commission of the Company, approval of the Work Plan of the Audit Commission, as well as issues directly related to the conduct of audits were considered.
During the reporting year, the Audit Commission conducted the first stage of the audit of the financial and economic activities of IDGC of South, PJSC for 2018, the results of which approved the Act of the Audit CommissionProtocol of the Audit Commission meeting dated October 19, 2018 No. 3..
In order to eliminate the deficiencies noted by the Audit Commission, the Company issued order No. 932 dated December 26, 2018 “On the implementation of the Corrective Action Plan to remedy deficiencies following the first stage of the financial and economic activities audit of IDGC of the South for 2018 ”.
Information on the payment of remuneration (reimbursement of expenses) to members of the Audit Commission
Payment of remuneration to members of the Audit Commission of the Company is carried out in accordance with the Regulation on the payment of remunerations and compensations to members of the Audit Commission of the Public Joint Stock Company "Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the South"Approved by the decision of the annual General Meeting of Shareholders on June 19, 2015 (Protocol No. 13), posted on the Company’s website.. Remuneration to a member of the Audit Commission is determined from the basic part of the remuneration (V Baz). The basic remuneration to a member of the Audit Commission is set on the basis of the Company’s revenue calculated under RAS for the fiscal year, in accordance with the scale below.
A member of the Company’s Audit Commission is reimbursed for expenses related to participation in a meeting of the Company’s Audit Commission and conducting an audit, according to the norms of reimbursement for travel expenses of the Company at the time of the meeting or audit.
The total amount of remuneration paid to the members of the Audit Commission of IDGC of the South, PJSC for 2018 amounted to 796.5 thousand rubles (includes personal income tax).